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Michele Galli

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T20 FASCIA SPECCHIATA is a table with oval clear glass top and mirrored band, It has two independent bases in stainless steel or blackpainted iron with chrome-plated profile.

I started drawing the legs. The legs are two semicircular structure interlocked each other.


_leg = 0.85
y_leg = 0.03

curve_leg1 = BEZIER(S1)([[0.3,0,0],[0,0,0],[-0.5,0.9,0],[0.5,1.5,0],[0.8,1.3,0],[1.5,1,0],[1.3,0,0],[1,0,0]])
curve_leg2 = BEZIER(S1)([[0.3,0,z_leg],[0,0,z_leg],[-0.5,0.9,z_leg],[0.5,1.5,z_leg],[0.8,1.3,z_leg],[1.5,1,z_leg],[1.3,0,0.5],[1,0,z_leg]])
map1_leg = MAP(BEZIER(S2)([curve_leg1,curve_leg2]))(domain2)
map2_leg = MAP(BEZIER(S2)([curve_leg3,curve_leg4]))(domain2)
leg1 = COLOR([64/255,64/255,64/255])(STRUCT([map1_leg,map2_leg,map3_leg,map4_leg]))
leg2 = T([1])([0.7])(T([2])([0.5])(R([1,2])([PI])(leg1)))
legs = STRUCT([leg1,leg2])

Then i realized the up part of the table. The up part is made of two other parts, the external no-trasparent part and the internal trasparent glass part. The trasparent part is embedded in the external part. I used some functions i wrote my self.


  semicircle_a = function(x1,y1,z,tx,ty,tz1,tz2){
  semix = x1/2
  semia = BEZIER(S1)([[tx+semix,ty,z+tz1],[tx+semix,ty+y1,z+tz2],[tx-semix,ty+y1,z+tz2],[tx-semix,ty,z+tz1]])
  return semia

semicircle_b = function(x1,y1,z,tx,ty,tz1,tz2){
  semix = x1/2
  semib = BEZIER(S1)([[tx+semix,ty,z+tz1],[tx+semix,-y1+ty,z+tz2],[tx-semix,-y1+ty,z+tz2],[tx-semix,ty,z+tz1]])
  return semib

curve_table1a = semicircle_a(2.3,1.5,0,0,0,0,0)
curve_table1b = semicircle_b(2.3,1.5,0,0,0,0,0)
map1_tableup = MAP(BEZIER(S2)([curve_table1a,curve_table1b]))(domain2)
map2_tableup = MAP(BEZIER(S2)([curve_table2a,curve_table2b]))(domain2)
table_traslation = function(object){ return T([2])([0.25])(T([1])([0.3])(T([3])([z_leg])(object))) }

table1_up = COLOR([1,1,1,0.7])(table_traslation(STRUCT([map1_tableup,..,map4_tableup])))
table2_up = COLOR([159/255,182/255,205/255,1])(table_traslation(STRUCT([map5_tableup,..,map10_tableup])))

Finally i drew the pillows.There are little pillows and big pillows. One big pillow with a little pillow make a seat. I realized one seat and then i replicated it for the second.

This is the final T20 FASCIA SPECCHIATA model

This is the original model